Guardian Angels

You don’t have to walk to be a part of the pilgrimage. For those all around the world who wish to support this project through prayer, complete the form below and on the days of the pilgrimage we will send out prayers and pictures of the pilgrimage and we ask that you pray with us for the pilgrims, and our intentions. 

You can also follow us on social media where we’ll be uploading photos and videos of the journey. 

Below are this list of patron saints of Our Lady of Christendom UK and prayer to Our Lady of Evesham. We would really appreciate if you could pray the prayer to Our Lady of Evesham and invoking the intercession of our patron saints for the organisation of the pilgrimage and for the pilgrimage itself.

Prayer to Our Lady of Evesham
Virgin most holy, Mother of the Word Incarnate. 
Treasurer of graces. Refuge of sinners.
We fly to your maternal love with lively faith
and we ask you to obtain for us grace
ever to do the will of God.
Into your most holy hands 
we commit the keeping of our hearts,
beseeching you for health of soul and body
in the certain hope that you,
our most loving mother,
will hear our prayer. 


Our Lady of Christendom UK Patrons
Our Lady of Christendom, pray for us. 
Our Lady of Evesham, pray for us. 
Our Lady of Tewkesbury, pray for us. 
St. Jospeh, pray for us. 
St. James the Greater, patron of pilgrims, pray for us. 
St. George, pray for us. 
St. Andrew, pray for us. 
St. David, pray for us. 
St. Patrick, pray for us. 
St. Egwin, pray for us. 
St. Thomas More, pray for us. 
St. John Henry Newman, pray for us. 
St. Dominic Barberi, pray for us.
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