Create a chapter

Chapters within the UK

There must be at least 15 people including the chapter leader, to create a chapter within the UK.

Chapters outside of the UK - all other countries

There must be at least 7 people including the chapter leader, to create a foreign chapter for all other countries.

Ready to create a chapter?

Pre-requisites to create a chapter:

  • There must at least 15 people for a chapter within the UK or 7 people for a foreign chapter
  • Designate a Chapter leader
  • Choose a Chapter name – title of Our Lady, e.g. Our Lady of Evesham

Once these pre-requisites are met, the Chapter leader can send an email to mentioning and confirming the pre-requisites of creating a chapter, i.e. verifying the initial number of people in the chapter, the name of the chapter leader and the chapter name.

The Chapter leader is expected to provide a couple of reference letters, one from a priest and any professional that the chapter leader has known for at least 2 years.

The leader of the chapter must familiarise themselves to the general information and regulations of the pilgrimage and make sure that adults and families within their chapter are informed and follow these general information and regulations.

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